Search: lg
Results: 4876
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
LG CM4320
No sound, all functions normal. It started intermittently and got worse to the point wsound it was like this permanently. Optocoupler pc903 (ltv-817b) with pin 1 oxidized Replace the photocoupler tapegado
Turns on, power supply ok and gives white screen Transistor a1241 defective. replace with the same or equivalent (e.g. a1020) itacipri
Doesn't start 5v line Diode d 201 and diode d 202 short or leak marcelo eletrom
LG CM4440
No sound goes into protection shuts down Falta 12v Check for possible short on the 12v line. samuel leite
LG 39LN5400
Turning off Secondary power supply without power Replace c201 1000μF/10v, c203 470μF/10v, c209 470μF/50v eletronica fernandes - to
LG 32CS460 EAX61124201/15
Turn on and off Scrape off the paint next to the screw next to the paint light connector Eletronica smart
LG 29FS7
Hits the relay does not oscillate and with normal power supplys. Precision resistor r556 39k Replace, receive the money and take one. ELTON CASTRO
Does not turn on, low secondary supply, almost zero. R 837 5k6 open primary power supply, close to str. voltage in the photo fluctuating. After changing the duct ok. George Pontes
Cushion effect 15k open r451 I replaced it and it resolved PATRICK
CW 81A
Flyback noise and out-of-sync image Capacitor c412 3R
Works with the display off. all normal functions with the exception of the display. Tsound was no positive voltage on the fl+ line. gave feedback from the fl- that feeds the display. open 931 rectifier diode (at the foot of the t901 power supply). Replaces it with a 1n4007. Eletrônica R-Tec
LG 42PW350
Turns on and off after a while R902 47k smd alterando Replace Paulo
Doesn't start. The power supply is normal, but it does not receive a st by pulse from the processor. 4k7 resistor r1010 open on main pci duc40rj
LG 32LN540B
TV turns on with white screen warming up ci uc1 on t-com Smd capacitor c102 on v-com (screen board) GSAELETRONICA GRANJA CALIFORNIA
LG 20CB62
Turns on standby and turns off slowly Ic 801 ic802 e ic805 HP ELETRONICA
LG 39LN5400
Screen going dark in a short time. intermittent defect. Altered power supply electrolytic capacitors. Replace all electrolytic capacitors on the power supply. WELLINGTON SOUSA
Does not turn on or stand by Replace c 543 Elect 220x16 shorted jcgiantomaso
Hiss in the sound C507 3R
LG 32CS460
Inoperative, fuses were all good, 20v was missing In my case it was the smd transistor q203 close to the p201 connector Replace the same fdd 5614p Mauricio Eletrônica Santa Fé Cassilândia-MS
Low sound Lack of food Place a 560k resistor between pins 3 and 4 of the pc901 on the power supply board Emerson