Search: lg
Results: 4876
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
Dark image screen with 110v Diodo 1n4148 com fuga abl zd403 Replace diode DEVAIR
LG 22MA33
Doesn't start. when connecting the 19v power supply it dropped to 0v. Shorted capacitors. c800 and c804. Alan Eletrônica Juca Paulo Afonso Bahia
Keyboard lock Firmware on rear eprom corrupted. Rewriting the ic701 eprom or changing it, I don't have the firmware because my recorder is bad so I replaced it. AntonyGarcez
LG 60PB6500
Tsound is no image tension (vs and va) low Lb605 open q603 shorted kp11n60 can replace with p11nm60 speedtec
LG 32LE5500
Activates the relay with a whistle, no image, red LED flashing C9141 47uf/25v Replace without measuring Paulo-ps Eletronica
After lightning, the TV turns on with a "locked" screen, keys and remote control inoperative. Corrupt EPROM data, damaged infrared TSOP receiver. After re-recording eprom TV returned to normal except remote control, just replace the IR receiver, TV ok. Denys de Sene
LG 42LM3400
Has back light but no image T-con board fuse, c209 or c210 shorted. check the 12volt da-con switching transistor is open on the main board.
LG CM4330
Don't care, power supply ok! When activating the power, you will notice a slight blinking in the LEDs around the vol knob. Ic701 burst. Replace ic701, tas5612la. BRITO
Doesn't start. LED off.2* from power supply without voltage C-417 221k/2kv. q-402 c0693. e flayblack 6174v-6016a. Just replace the ones mentioned. and go for the hug. NILMAR (61)9.9818-3695
LG 32LM3400
With audio, with backlight and without image. Mau contato no cabo lvds Cable cleaning. Pontocom informatica
LG CP-20K70
Pacifier clicking and leaking loudly. After changing almost everything regarding the horizontal output, fly, c width, without success, I decided to change the h output even though it looked good. it was potatoes. Here's a tip. NPV
LG 42LS4600
Image 250k 1kv capacitor shorted on the diode line near the rectifier bridge Just replace it and get it back
Vertically closed from the middle down with a 1 cm white stripe 12 k resistor r305 open close to vertical Kel Araújo assistência técnica M6
LG 42LN5460
TV turns on normally, has audio, screen lights up backlight, but tsound is no image 12 v low voltage, between +- 9 v, change i.c 404 rt8289 Marcelo - Governador Valadares MG
The TV turns on normally with curved side bars effect cup or pylon waist Change the coil l401 open and proto the tv will be normal Sinailson furtado
LG 21FU1RL - L3
Vertical reduced with + or - 5cm R313 changed Replace r313 22k zu
LG 55LV3500
Image forms slowly, takes time to appear and disappear T-com board defect Lack of voltage vgh of 27v r273 of 300r open makes the voltage set up Marcos infotron-ltda
LG 29LN300B-PC
Standby LED flashes and the TV doesn't work Q1002 (smk630) feet broken near l1001 and l1002. Replace for another equal one or for a 7n80 evandoviana
LG CM4440
Turns on normally without sound, then activates protection Ic931 12v regulator Replace Marcondes Ohm eletrônica Jaicós PI
LG W1941ST
Monitor turning on and off normal voltages Power supply opto coupler Mariano