Search: lg
Results: 4876
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
No image, black screen, normal sound Bad tube Tube replacement carloseletronica (sao joao PE )
Rp14cb25a low power supply like 80 volts Q84 I put the tl431 in place carloseletronica (sao joao PE )
LG CP20B85
Image without contrast R 547 (100k) aberto Replacement Carlos Edduardo Szielasko
LG 21
Turns on and then turns off C 308 47/16v open do ci vertical This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
LG RP-20CC25
Inoperative, the TV flickers as if it were going to turn on but it doesn't turn on, and keeps getting hot at 8k2 r405 Ic804 de 8v Replace ELETROCLAUDIOPE AGUAS BELAS
TV LG CP 20K40
MC 83A
This TV turned on and off in minutes. Filter capacitor. (c 816). Ávila
TV turns on and then turns off, normal power supply C308 de 47mf/25v ANTONIO
Doesn't start. power supply does not oscillate. the defect was the 30k r801 that was measuring 100k. After swapping for 2 15k in series, it worked normally again. Gilcimar Rocha Pereira
LG RP - 20CC20
It doesn't turn on, the LED doesn't light up. Resoldar o fb - 806 Resolve the same. BARRETO CRUZ
LG RP-20CC20
Vertical open about 4cm R-301 470r-altered Replace LUCIANO
LG 29FS4RLG - L1
Device does not turn on. does not arm the power supply. Replace r-884 - 1/2 w = 180 k - open, only and return to function. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
LG CP20K70
Image scrolling up Recently repaired This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It makes it turn on, but it goes back to standby Vertical burnt, change capacitor 307 too Marcondes Lima, Ohm Eletronica-Jaicós-PI
LG 50PJ350
No picture with normal sound VA and VS voltages are normal, VS voltage is low. with about 19v, normal is + - of 135v T 501 open transformer DEBIQUE
Reflector coil Shorted horizontal to vertical fabio raiol
Jagged image Damaged capacitors c850 and c826 Replacing them CALIXSERVICE
LG DA-3630
Dead power supply C923 c924 c925 primary power supply Mário Tavares
LG CP-15Q90A
The LED only lights up, I replaced the flyback and it worked normally. Fleybek joãotc
LG CP 20K70
MC - 999A
Image with cyan blue color Kinescope Replace the same BARRETO CRUZ
LG CP 20K70
MC 999A
Flyback generates and cuts Q - 401 (c 3228) Replace the same BARRETO CRUZ