Search: lg
Results: 4875
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
LG 42LN5700
Turns on without image and without back-light Ic3304 defective on signal board, hdmi ci Merotec Infotronica
LG 50PB560B
No image On the p131 connector tsound was vs and va, but tsound was no 18v on the y-sus board Q507 and d502 shorted near the 220k resistor. Eletronica EASI
LG 50PB560
No image On the p131 connector tsound was vs and va, but tsound was no 18v on the y-sus board Q507 and d502 shorted near the 220k resistor. Eletronica EASI
Turns on after 40 minutes in hot weather, it turns off, only when it cools down it works ok, diode d1103 is weak. Change caps c875, c879, c1110, c1118, c1128.8 Capacitor do reset. C 305 4.7 x50v works normally again. guinga sdia goias
Turns on after removing the power cord from the socket, it doesn't turn on anymore, then removing the power cord and turning it on works. Capacitor do reset. guinga sdia goias
Turns on, then turns off Cabo flat da tecon rusty Clean flat cable oxidation WS NOTEBOOKS
LG 32LG50D
Turns on with backlight without image on screen Bga solder on processor Reflow or reballing (reballing recommended) of the processor. GL Eletrônica - Contagem - MG
Does not turn on; power supply short circuit on the 19v line Smd ceramic capacitor c803 shorted Replace the same. duc40rj
LG 42LK450
Does not turn on, does not bend pfc 400v Primary winding of the t501 transformer open. it does the vcc feedback to power the ic600 of the pfc circuit. Replace the t501 transformer. rafaelmoraes99
LG 50PB560
Just sound ok 2 -30f133 shorted and causing c414 Angelo MG
No audio or popping sound image delayed R205 220r is under the crystal glue BADRI ELETRONICA <small>This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</small>
LG 28LN500
The backlight turns on and then turns off After checking the LED strip and it is ok, The cap was replaced. electrol. 10/250v Alexandre Batista
LG 32LD420
Turns on, has an image, turns on the backlight, but keeps turning off/restarting, the image disappears and the image returns. Oxidation of the islands of the power supply and main plates that short circuit with ground. Sand all the islands, tighten the screws well and go for it. MARCO BORSATO - MEDTEC INFORMATICA
Vertical closed R301 open Paulo eletrônica
LG 60PN6500
No image, has all the voltages but no "sus dn" R599 and r408, two 10r smds close to ic402 Stiltec
LG CM4440
When turning on, sound comes out for just a second and stops, after 1 minute it goes into s-protect. Possibly defective pc903 photocoupler, replace it. It worked sound. RodrigoSpricigo
The la4863aj can be replaced by the la4864aj or la4865aj Any of the mentioned vertical ci replace the other. MARCONES DE ARARIPINA-PE
LG RP-29FE80
Burning horizontal output. Replace the d2689 with a bu2520ax or c4429 Just drill another hole in the heatsink. MARCONES DE ARARIPINA-PE
Initially tsound were several problems, high power supply instantly burning the horizontal output, vertical closed, vertical folding High power supply and without filter(r842 open 20k.e c835 47/160v open)(vertical closed.r313 47k open)(vertical folded coils open in deflector coil) High power supply and without filter(r842 open 20k.e c835 47/160v open)(vertical closed.r313 47k open)(vertical folded coils open in deflector coil) ALVES.TEC ELETRÔNICA CAMARAGIBE PERNAMBUCO
LG 50PK550
HDMI 1,2 and 3 doesn't work, doesn't tune channels After trying software updates and others, I reflowed the processor and it solved the problem. Carlossnk