Search: philips
Results: 14206
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
TV with blurred image Tube, just clean the focus input pin of dirt and everything started working normally again. Alvanyr This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
PHILIPS 29 PT5645/78
Excess width This device did not regulate width, a 12.6mf capacitor was placed in place of the 15mf bust capacitor. The defect was resolved, hugs, friends EURIPEDES CAETANO FILHO
PHILIPS 20PT3331/78
I'm sound Replace c2208 100k pin 27, c2206 4k7 pin 28 fabiusmax
TV turns on and then turns off, goes to standby 22uf/250v electrolytic capacitor 180v filter Replace the TV back to normal AFONSO SANTANA
PHILIPS 21PT5433/ 78R
Inoperative, giving small clicks at the power supply, leak C2424, between b and c of the horizontal transistor (152k/ 2kv) horizontal leak Barter it Marcondes This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., jaicós PI
Does not turn on, the LED lights up and locks Broken track on the positive of cap 2551 and resistor 3470 beto eletronica/Acrelandia AC
PHILIPS 29PT4635/78
Turning off every 5 minutes Defective tube beto eletronica/Acrelandia AC
Replace o capacitor c-2351 C-2351. 220mf/25v seco Replace o capacitor c-2351 André Toshiba
No plot with return lines then hang up After changing the fly-back, the television goes into protection mode. By slightly opening the skew potentiometer, you can see that the device has a white screen and return lines. D6006 open and d6343 short-circuited, d6343 is on the RGB board in the kinescope. WAGGUINHO
Vertical closed at the top of the screen with three colored lines and then turns off Capacitor 2460 de polieste 560k 250v domingos sp
Totally inoperative Cracked welds on ci's mc44603ap (power supply) and tda8374ps-3y Resoldering and a hug, it's another happy customer Paulo Sertel Itararé SP
No sound; sound increases by itself Eliminar dido zener smd d6809(d6908) de h, shtv francisco
PHILIPS 21PT8467/78
Turns on normally with image and sound then turns off Resistor on the tube plate r 3318 beto eletronica
PHILIPS 21PT5433/78R
Image with a 1 cm wide black stripe at the bottom Increase c2423 value from 7n5 to 12n Luis araujo (teia) Pará
It turned on and then turned off, sometimes drizzles appeared. Resistors r3444 and 3443 burned because of the shorted capacitor c2493 and the transistor q7494 bc337-25 Replace r3444 e r3443 cpa c2493 q 7494 eletroinfor
TV arrived burning the integrated horizontal but 11 I replaced the but and the capacitor c2408(12nf) EletroInfor
PHILIPS 29PT9467C/78
The relay keeps tripping and the TV doesn't work, tsound's a short in the secondary on the tube board. C904 shorted out and took with it d901,d902,q903,q905,r924,r910 fabiusmax
It doesn't turn on, it stays off. standby mode type only clock signal Leaky program key gemerson melo garanhuns PE
PHILIPS 29PT4635/78
Fountain buzzing inoperative Horizontal output transistor (bu 4508dx) shorted samul
PHILIPS 14PT110A 14PT110 14PT111 14PT210 20PT120 20PT121 20PT220 14PT112 20PT122
When turning on this TV it came with a black stripe of about 5cm on the right side of the screen horizontally, that is, the frame was also shifted more horizontally. I even tried in service mode but it didn't work..... I replaced the tda8360e final 5y when it was file This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.