Search: lg
Results: 4898
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
Call now with the message b-protection In my case, tsound was a piece of wire from the speakers closing short on the legs of the SMD audio output with aluminum. I was lucky, it was just a piece of wire closing a short on the board, amplifier sector. If that's not your case, maybe it's a way out. short sound Eletrônica Sorriso-MT
LG 32LK610
Does not connect wifi. Check voltages 3.3v. In this case, they were absent, dismantled the connector, removing the black lock, removing and cleaning the connector internally with isopropyl alcohol. Once this was done, the voltages reached the board as they should.
Without voltages 5v and 15v Open 1r resistor reference r111, replace it Will
The TV arrived to me without sound I recommend that everyone, before moving the board, test the speakers, as in my case they were the ones that were burned out. Replace the speakers and run for the hug. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The TV arrived to me without sound I recommend that everyone, before moving the board, test the speakers, as in my case they were the ones that were burned out. Replace the speakers and run for the hug.
LG 42PN4600
TV doesn't turn on without STBY. Second river power supply board, th353 defective, won't let the q351 drive, change the th or remove it. RNSPTEC
LG 42PJ350
White strip at the bottom and off Cold solder on the large coil l1 of the zsus board Marcelo
LG 32LN5400
Turns off by itself Cover touches the highest components on top of the power supply and causes poor contact specifically with d801 and c801. Resolder d801 and c801 also the highest ones next to them. ZENER Serviço Técnico
LG 32LJ600B
No image, backlight working, 12v was missing to power the display If the scheme is impossible to find who is to blame, supply it with an external regulator 7812 Mitzko Eletronica
LG 26LD330 LG
TV working and out of nowsound it turns off and doesn't turn on. Possible cold welding on power supply components Re-do the welds Everton
LG 32LF20R
Pulsing power supply outputting 40v to the 24v output Resistor r 255 of 10k with 1 mega Ariel Santos
LG 32LN536B
TV turns on, but with backlight ok, no image with sound. Main board defect, in the power supply of the t-com board, tsound is only 9.2 oscillating volts crackling, main board q404 smd x7va defect, replace or replace with a coil. RNSPTEC
LG 42LM3400
Burning the LEDs reduces the current Https:// Https:// Eliel Batista
LG 42LM3400
Burning the LEDs reduces the current Https:// Https:// Eliel Batista
LG 39LB5600
Turning off by itself Re-welding of the large power supply transformer, observe cold welds with a magnifying glass reginaldo moronte,eletronica junior caldas novas
LG 50PB690B
TV turns on, the display turns on and turns off, returning to stand-by No voltage on ac det. Changing resistors in the power supply loop coming from diode d103. eletrofepar
LG 50PA4500
Image with reddish pigmentation Y board defect R576 330r Marivaldo
LG 50PN5400
League without image. doing auto gen appears image giving the impression of being main board Defective t-com board. generates auto gen image but does not process image coming from the main board I replaced the board Stiltec
Vertical reducing downward 47k r313 changed, measuring 64k Replace r313 and thank god Daniel
LG OM4560
Dead Capacitor c637 shorted on main board Eletrônica 3R