Search: lg
Results: 4898
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
LG 39LN5400
Stand-by pisca 2x LED problem Replace the LEDs INFONAITTS
Does not arm the 35v output power supply With the switched power supply on the bench outside the circuit, place a 10k resistor between pins 3 and 4 of the photo coupler pc901 to generate 35v. change the srtw6757 Probably internal defect in the strw 6757 feedback Magalhaes
LG 42CS460
It turns on tsound is sound and image then the image disappears and the sound stays on the backlight Disconnected and restarted the connections and tightened the motherboard in my case it resolved Francisco Cavalcante
LG MCD605 /606
Low sound, power supply that feeds the low sound output with 5v Zener 18v zd904 Eletrônica Oliveira
LG 32LN536B
Restarts several times Defect appears to be poor contact at the power supply or defect on the signal board The defect was in the power cable between power supply and signal, poor contact at the cable terminals on both sides VIP CENTER ELETRONICA
LG 42LS5700
Turns on normally but shows no signal. performs the search and shows no signal again Ci 2132mf close to the replaced varicap. tuning returned normal. no sound. open speakers. BICHARA SARQUIS
LG CP-29K30A
LED on does not hit the relay or start Defective coupler photo Changing the photo coupler Alexsandro
LG 50PW350B
Power supply vs high, turning off, relay hitting, second time in the workshop General resoldering with emphasis on photo couplers and smd resistors connected to them, (first time) replacement of polyester capacitors and various electrolytics close to the tl741 José Jair
LG 29
Vertical closed on top Resistor r308 and r328 all 47k, replace the two. R308 and r328 below the vertical outlet heatsink. MARCONES DE ARARIPINA -PE
Vertical closed on top R308 and r328 of 47k changed. Replace r308 and r328 all 47k this tip, I got it from another colleague sound on the page. MARCONES DE ARARIPINA -PE
Turn on the TV image failing and sound crackling when it starts to heat up, it gradually stops, it becomes normal Solution replace capacitors c1040 c1047 c1048 and c1070 on the main board Replace the mentioned components without hesitation César Návas
LG 50PT250B
Normal sound image with sparkling glitter-like drizzle. R 440 of 2.2r 3w opened on the plate and suz. Ferraz
LG 42LE5500
Tv sem backlight No voltage from drv_on. (3v3) Replace r8026 on the main board, (next to the connector that goes to the power supply), I don't know the original value but I put it at 10r and it worked.. Rafa Tofix Assistência
LG 42LM3400 42LS3400
Noise not som Change q501 near the audio output ci SOS ELETRÔNICA CANOAS RS
Turns on normally with all voltages but no image C502 is next to the varicap Eletrônica_ND_
LG 42PT250B-SA
Turn on and off Damage to the y-sustain board (short circuit) caused by capacitors c753, c761, c757 and c758 Replace transistors q708 and q709 (irg7ic28u) and capacitors c757, c758, c761 and c753 (1kpf/ 1kv) leitemarcellus
Turns on, but DVD/CD doesn't work and doesn't play audio. just swap the inputs. Q405 (voltage regulator 1.25v) faulty Replace q405 (stb1188y) or its equivalent leitemarcellus
LG 42LV3700
TV turns on normally, but the screen does not light up. Measure 3.3v on inductor l508 on the main board. If it doesn't, it's the ic 3701 (hdmis) shorted. Substituir o ic 3701. Persio (TVCompany)
LG 32LK330
Does not turn on standby access Power supply goes into protection Removing the capacitor c402 was shorted LOOPTEL
LG 32LN536B
Vertical and horizontal lines appear in the image, image freezing I removed the tcon flat on the right side, the image appeared normal, in half, I isolated some tracks on the left side of the flet, (I skipped the first ones) it was resolved C.T.Eletrônica - Caruaru - PE - Brasil