Search: philips
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Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
PHILIPS 42PFL3604/78
It would turn on without an image, sometimes the LED would blink 3 times, before the backlight would blink and go out. D810 in the 24v power supply shorted, when it was connected to the series lamp the 24v appeared but when activating the bl-on, it died Replacement! Edmaster
Turning off in seconds Diode 6413 1n4148 with leakage Replace EletroClaudioPE
Does not turn on, only on stand by, mechanic does not perform the self-test, dead No power on the CD board Open inductor on the CD controller board, 100μH, davi.sls
PHILIPS 20PT3336/78
When energized, the device simply gave a quick pulse to the power supply's secondary and turned off, keeping the primary capacitor (2503) with a residual charge. Transistor (7540) smd, leaky. Replace, (7540) (abs edfesom;) EDFESOM
Image flickers horizontal lines Lvds cables leads Cover 3 ways of the lvds cable with durex from left to right on the t-com ref: r743 Medeiros/ Barbacena MG
Don't catch They removed the CD system and the cassette system. Ricardo b.v
PHILIPS 42PFL3604/78
Turns on and then turns off the lights A loud and clear pump Just adjust the trimpots, no need to replace them. rw977=15kr rw978=220r Eletronica Jambeiro
PHILIPS 42PFL3403/78
No image, normal sound. Sometimes the image appears normal and then turns off, leaving only the audio. When opening it, I found that the backlight was turning off, I heard a spark coming from the power supply board, I turned it over and saw that the transformer that generates the high voltage for the lamps had cold solder, I just increased the area of ​​contact between the solder and the pins. of the transformer and resoldered it, it worked perfectly. EC
Turning off, LED flashes 9 times This model does not have a t-con board, the board is lg plde-p976a Raphael's solution didn't work... ROCHA VGA
PHILIPS 29PT4635/78
Does not turn on without any current in the secondary led off Ci tea 15p07 I replaced the TV and it started working again Valmir
The tuning was bad, with a distorted image on all channels I downloaded the drivers from the Phlips website and reinstalled them on the TV. Rosana
No image. Turn the back light on and off. Eeprom memory u402 (w25q64fvssig) corrupted. rewrite or change the board. As I had a plate in stock, I decided to replace it. hence the famous inverted screen appeared. the code used: 136. how to insert the code: 062598menu(little box)136, in sequence and without a gap. Eletrônica R-Tec
TV with LED stand by permanently on, it doesn't turn on either via the keyboard or the remote, nor does it reset the board. Transistors q603, q581, diodes d602 and d107 (I put a 1n4007 in its place and it worked) João Aníbal
It works normally for a while but if you turn it off and on again it doesn't work anymore On the main board defective 3.3v regulator u701 Replaced and resolved PATRICK ELETRÔNICA
Only dashboard LEDs light up D3 shorted on main board An sb3200 was placed in place and works perfectly NEI
When you increase the volume, the sound cuts out M0s3,m0s2,m0s4,m0s5 = (todos pdpf18n50), d2,d7(u20c20a), d1,d6 = (u20c20c) Replace them all.
Turning off (after some time on) Svf5n60f (not weapon) position- m0s1 NATO ELETRÔNICA
4B-1 (?)
Does not turn on, standby off Horiz exit. shorted, driver transformer open, flyback bsc 3807 heating the output Changing the output (d5032) I used a 2sc 6073, changing the transf. driver, changing the flayback, I used the bsc25n1571, it was great! Geraldo de Petrópolis, RJ
PHILIPS 26PFL5322/78
Negative image In as04f and tcon Eletronica Jambeiro
No audio, loud speakers Bad speaker tweeter capacitor, 4.7uf / 50v. replace both carefully so as not to melt the tweeter In my case I put a 50μF because that's what I had, it was great! It's a good idea to sand the contacts on the larger speaker to avoid bad contact! World TV