Search: sony
Results: 20072
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
Crt Kp41t65. the tech is trying to replace the red crt but has received the wrong tube. tech ordered from the service manual a 8-733-539-05. but it is the wrong mounting structure, and will not fit in the opening of the. Called sony world parts center and obtained the correct part number for the tube. currently tsound is no way to find out what tube is in the set by simply looking up the number in the manual. the generic number must be compared to a new list the sony part has. we were lucky to find the part number on the original crt of a-1501-367-a Muller
Crt Kp41t65 serial needs blue crt. tech originally ordered the blue crt by using the part number from service bulletin # 359r1 . what he ordered is a 8-733-539-05. is a a-1501-373-a which is a blue crt. The correct part number is the a-1501-373-a. according to sony world parts center they have them in stock and can be shipped anytime Muller
Crt Kp41t65 9515238 needs green crt. tech originally ordered the green crt by using the tag on the original tube which is a-1501-372-a . what he received is a a-1501-373-a which is a blue crt. No not sure who subbed the part but the correct part number is the a-1501-372-a. tsound are no subs for this tube at this time. according to sony world parts center they have them in stock and can be shipped anytime Muller
Crt Kp41t65 serial9515238 tech needs crt is receiving the wrong tube the most recent tube to be received is a-1501-369-a which is a blue crt the first wrong tube was a-1501-373-a also a blue crt. tech is getting the part number off of the tube frame and not out of the service manual. as long has he is using that number he will always get a -blue crt. Muller
Convergence Kp53v75 unit has and intermittent unit had a loud pop and then the set lost top and bottom convergence , it stayed that way for twp days according to the customer then it popped again and the problem disappeared and the set returned to normal but it lost sound. 1 day later the sound returned and for the past 6 days the set is playing ok. Tech need to check the crt sockets for the presence of the safety diodes in the on the cathodes of the power supply. Muller
Convergence Kp53v45 serial 9011383. unit has no convergence control. all dimensions are way out of adjustment and have no effect when adjusting the values of the convergence parameters. Tech needs to check the protect diodes at the input of the g board. d809, d810, d807, d808. these diodes are the upgrade listed in the latest revision of tvb380. Muller
Convergence Kp41t25.. red convergence will not write to memory. when convergence is properly aligned red horizontal lines will migrate up or down after time Suggest that the red sub deflection yoke plug be removed. this action eliminates the influence the convergence correction circuitry has over the red crt. once this was done the tv was turned on again and the cross hatch was placed on the screen. one of the intersection points of the red cross hairs was marked with a post-it note. the tv was allowed to run for 15 minutes. after 15 minutes the red cross hair mover 1/4 inch down the screen. this indicated the crt was defective. the only deflection the red tube had was the deflection that feed all the tubes. if vertical center were to drift it would drift on all the crt not just the red crt. Muller
Convergence Sony kp41t65. cannot converge set. technician replaced all microprocessors, eprom, and convergence output ic's without effecting a cure I had tech check the data pulses from the microprocessor to the dac chips. one of the data chips was only 3 volts peak to peak not the 5 volts necessary to communicate to the dac. problem was a leaky zener diode d803. Muller
Colored spot Kp61v45 unit has a purple dot in the center of the picture. can be seen in when tsound is a white screen. Tsound is a burn in the center of the green tube. tech will need to replace the green crt. tech also needs to follow the directions for the crt module upgrade bulletin # 380. addition of a 1ss83td diode between (anode)@r708 and cathode to ic (pin 6). in the event the ic is not available the crt driver board is. crt generic # is 07mac2(g) the possible subs are 8-733-494-05, 8-733-561-05, and 8-733 Muller
Colored shadows Kp53v65 unit has purple and cyan shadows on the screen. these shadows are very pronounced when an all white pattern is shown on the screen Unit has crt burn caused by a dvd player or a catv marquee that was allow to stay on the screen for an extended period of time. this apparently is caused when the dvd player has a disk in it and not playing the disk, a logo of the disk movie will appear on the screen. on a conventional direct view television this is not a problem if the display is left on the screen for several hours. but this is not true with projection televisions. sever damage will result if a stationary image if left on the screen for prolonged period of time. this is especially true with sony when it is in the external video input mode and the dvd/vcr is off. all sony's will say ""video"" printed on the screen. in 1 to 2 hours the tubes ion the projection television will be destroyed requiring them to be replaced. replacement cost is over $800.00. be aware, do not leave any projection television ""on"" with a stationary picture. just like screen savers are used to keep the computer monitors from leaving an imprint "" Muller
Bright raster Kp53v85 unit has bright screen with retrace lines. crt socket ""cr"" board has a hole burned through it. previous tech out simply ordered all three crt driver boards and the 3 crt's because of a burn in the center of the tube. "" Tech has no 200 vdc power supply from the g board . the 1Ω resistor is open from the d520 200 vdc rectifier to the cr board. Muller
Blue screen Kp53s35 serial number 9022580 unit has blue screen swapped. Tapping on neck of blue crt gives flashes of heave blue horizontal lines then returns to normal b&w tracking. unit will need a blue crt 8-733-497-05 Muller
Blows fuses Sony kp53s35 ra-2 chassis. unit looses ps601 and ps602 intermittently Factory upgrade. replace c815, c897, 858, & 889 from a 1000mfd @ 35 vdc to a 470 md @ 35 vdc. Muller
Black lines Kp53v75 unit has black lines that appear across the picture. further talking to the customer reveals that they were wondering why when they operated this television it caused interference on other televisions in the house. This set appears to have a slight high voltage arc or corona discharge that is causing interference to other televisions. this arc is also causing problems in the video circuit which is why the tech and the customer are seeing it on the screen of this television. tech needs to isolate the high voltage block, and crt from possible suspect by one by one disconnecting them from the high voltage power supply. the only indicator the tech can use is another television and look for the interference to disappear, since the sony will not allow the raster to appear if any one of the tubes is disconnected. after Muller
Audio Unit has no audio. ic404 has audio up to the input of ic404(2&4). Measuring the ic404(7, & 11) which are the outputs of the ic404 finds 1.3, & 32 vdc respectively. each of these outputs must be exactly 50% of the b+ of ic404(9) which was 32 volts. unit has defective ic404. ta8216 part # 8-759-246-70 Muller
Audio No audio. while in the process of servicing the set, the unit lost green and blue convergence. Unit has a defective ps401 fuse and ic403 in the output stage. as for the convergence problem tsound is a loose connection between the ""a"" board and the ""g"". "" Muller
Audio . unit has no audio. tech ordered the ""a"" board under the says program. cannot get the eeprom reader to read the data from the eeprom to transfer the convergence alignment data from the old board to the new board. "" Suggest the tech check the ps401 fuse. it was open. suggest tech to replace the fuse and audio output ic ic401 instead of replacing the ""a"" board "" Muller
Audio Kp53v75 unit has no audio. ic404 has audio up to the input of ic404(2&4). Measuring the ic404(7, & 11) which are the outputs of the ic404 finds 1.3, & 32 vdc respectively. each of these outputs must be exactly 50% of the b+ of ic404(9) which was 32 volts. unit has defective ic404. ta8216 part # 8-759-246-70 Muller
Audio Kp53v75 serial # 9018895. after the set is on for only a brief period of time tsound will be a slight hiss that will come an go in the right channel audio. it can be heard even if the tv is placed in ""aux"" mode, with no input the his is noticeable "" I have never heard of this symptom but since the television is under warranty and is covered in the s.a.y.s. program then it would be best that the ""a"" board be replaced. note to tech is that he must copy down the eprom values or the tech will need to re-converge the set from scratch. "" Muller
Audio Kp53v45 no audio. while in the process of servicing the set the unit lost green and blue have lost convergence. Unit has a defective ps401 fuse and ic403 in the output stage. as for the convergence problem tsound is a loose connection between the ""a"" board an the ""g"" "" Muller