Search: sony
Results: 20076
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
Unit will not read disc Unit came in and would not read disc. no focus search. 7v b+missing from ic-102.
Dc offset on front outputs which caused amp to shut down Both front channels were offset from zero by about -2.1 volts.amount of offset was the same within a couple of millivolts (note that theschematic shows the emitters grounding the circuit the collectors weregrounded and the output was on the emitters). t
Availability of mechanism description videotape Do we have a mechanism operation description? -hq comments: the training dept. has produced a videotape whichdescribes the operation of the decks that are used in many different modelcar tape players. fortunately, the deck that is used in the xr-7280 i
Losing vertical deflection/vertical foldover is intermittent On a board unit would have intermittent vertical foldoverand lose of vertical deflection.
Part # addition: plug holder (part of remote commander cord) The service manual is missing the part number for the plugholder at the end of the remote commander cord.
Receiving incorrect part: l-401 68uh inductor When l-401 is ordered, replacement from kansas city will notfit. original part is axial type in shape, while replacement is radialtype and will not fit under cross brace of main board. -hq comments: the radial type inductor which you received from npc
Receiving incorrect part: l-401 68uh inductor When l-401 is ordered, replacement from kansas city will notfit. original part is axial type in shape, while replacement is radialtype and will not fit under cross brace of main board. -hq comments: the radial type inductor which you received from npc
Receiving incorrect part: l-401 68uh inductor When l-401 is ordered, replacement from kansas city will notfit. original part is axial type in shape, while replacement is radialtype and will not fit under cross brace of main board. -hq comments: the radial type inductor which you received from npc
Disc tables can only be obtained by ordering the clv motor Units sometimes need only the disc table to be repaired, butthe disc table is only available by ordering the clv motor. we have beenpreviously informed by tokyo that they do not intend to make the tableavailable as a separate part.
Mic windscreen part number Is the detachable mic windscreen available as a repair part?if so, what is the part number? -hq comments: please order part number x-2536-719-1.
No video No ee video. traced problem up to the pi-20 board scopingpin 4 of ic-201, video was clipped. opened pin 4 and found video okay.checked power coming in and found switched -6v reading +1.2 at cn-202 pinb17. traced problem to defective power supply. note
Disk table doesn't position properly Disk tray does not position properly over pick-up. sometimesit stops before then jerks its way in position. found the plastic pivotshaft was worn on bottom side of disk table which has plastic burrs whereit rubs against the shaft bracket (ref.58).
Disk table doesn't position properly Disk tray does not position properly over pick-up. sometimesit stops then jerks its way in position. found the plastic pivot shaftwas worn on bottom side of disk table which has plastic burrs where itrubs against the bracket (ref.58).
Disk table doesn't position properly Disk tray does not position properly over pick-up. sometimesit stops before then jerks its way in position. found the plastic pivotshaft was worn on bottom side of disk table which has plastic burrs whereit rubs against the bracket (ref.58).
Diode on main pcb not shown on schematic or mounting diagram The main pcb is different from the schematic diagram. themain pcb (physical) has a chip diode between the base of q-314 and pin 1of connector cnp-909. on page 29 of the service manual looking at themain board (conductor side) there is no indication of
Does not change all functions with remote control Manually all functions work properly. when remote is used,tuner and tape deck functions work fine. however, when you press tape,cd, tuner or phono on the remote, the inputs do not change. thisoccurred after tech replaced the board.
No display, unit beeps when buttons pushed, no operation After applying power to unit, i could hear a beep whenever ipushed a button, but no other activity occurred. after i pressed reset,the display lit up in fm mode, but none of the buttons had an effect, ex-cept fm/am which caused the display to turn off.
Pencil-thin lines of interference in pix, d-1514 and r-527 Screen displayed pencil-thin lines of interference, poor in-terference and set had a high pitched oscillation. i had seen this symp-tom before which was caused by an open r-527. r-527 was also open on thea board. in searching for the cause static resi
Record button won't move (ref. 22 jammed against main board) Record button cannot be depressed because the record lever(ref. 22) is not lined up with the hole in the main board. the jammedlever causes the main board to become permanently warped, so even if youline up the lever properly, the record lever will no l
Ic-400 on "va-46" board is different A servicer has reported that ic-400 in this unit has a 48pin flatpack. we need the part number for the ic. the board number is1-633-927-31. the boards that i have seen in most units are part number1-633-927-13 and 14. please expedite as the va-46 boa