Results: 87712
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
With sound without image TV outputs audio normally, but no image. the defect was on the power supply board wsound the third pin of the connector was completely oxidized and tsound was no more soldering littlecarlos
Does not transmit image to the application on the DJI cell phone Error in the firewall on the wifi card.. you have to reprogram the firewall Download the program: neupsx4
Does not load Power supply Replace position sb3100 diode d6 Brackmann
Turns on the image and turns off after 4 seconds The defect was a leak in capacitor c842 next to x1000 Just remove the c842 David Jacobina
LG CM9750
It turned on normally for a few seconds and turned off "off auto power -e good-bye" Panel tactile key Replace all the tactile keys on the panel..... problem solved neupsx4
When it turns on, Philco immediately locks up and turns off and goes back to standby. Replace faulty nand memory or reprogram nand data dados nand neupsx4
AOC LE50D1452 / 42PFG6519
Power supplys are compatible and have the same defect, backlight does not come on or after a while if we turn it off, the backlight does not come on. In the primary one tsound is the i.c 9101 and a series of 03 1mega resistors are connected to pin 5, two common resistors and one smd resistor, but both 1mega each, the smd changes around 100kΩ and it is enough for the TV to experience backlight failure SubstituiÇÃo do resistor r9101 1 megaΩ MIGUELTV
PHILIPS 42PFG6519 / LE50D1452
Power supplys are compatible and have the same defect, backlight does not come on or after a while if we turn it off, the backlight does not come on. In the primary one tsound is the i.c 9101 and on pin 5 a series of 03 1mega resistors are connected, two common resistors and one smd resistor, but both 1mega each, the smd changes around 100kΩ and that is enough for the TV to experience a backlight failure SubstituiÇÃo do resistor r9101 1 megaΩ MIGUELTV
PHILIPS 32PFL3403/78
Does not turn on, nor does the LED light up Q602, q603, (I put 11n60), c625, c626 (331k), r634 (0.1r) Cece eletrônica Brumadinho MG
Doesn't start Fat resistor ci smd Changing the main power supply fat, plus 4 smd resistors in parallel, they are 3 1r resistors and a 2r2 plus a 470r smd resistor and the 6pin smd ci, i had to remove it from another board, you can't even see the code from him. Jas plaza
Does not light up stand by 1.2v step down power supply u203 Divino Moura
Alternating colors, without video or audio, after changing the card, placing the same card as 43! Change the IC u405, remove it from the original board and place it on the new board, Replace the u405 from the original to the new board Rodrigo cofferi
No image but with OSD and with audio tunes channels but gets a dark screen with no image Bug in the software first go to menu >image>color temperature and change to user and that's it Stay sound on this forum, it's absolutely right Rodrigo cofferi
Turning off after a while on Ic 402 replace. Detail reference of this ci tk11133cscl-g Aquiles
LG 42LG30R
Turning off or not turning on intermittently. Filter capacitor c620 Replace capacitor c620 150/450v Valdenir tecvideo
SEMP 40L5400
Nothing lights up...stand by off Fr9889 change the 2...vd803 (changed) Fr9889 replace the 2 ...vd803 diode 1n4148 (replaced) after ready making noise in the speakers and it doesn't turn on ANTONIO
LG 26LS3500
Lights up, has backlight but no image Ic 3310 has 3.3v at the input and no voltage at the output Replace IC 3310 (2.5v regulator) jose almeida tavares
SAMSUNG UN55TU8000/7000
Decrease the current of the LEDs LEDs burn out In the 2 resistors located next to the socket that powers the panel, add a 1r resistor to each of them in series, thus increasing the resistance and decreasing the voltage to 3v Cj Sgarbi
Green sadbay led comes on and goes off every time the TV turns on main board light comes on The defect is the faulty memory, this TV has a lot of memory defect, just replace it and it works
PHILIPS 26PFL3404/78
TP52.1L LA
Turns on and after +/- 30 seconds turns off completely Ic901 failure (tny277pn) Substituir o ic901 ( tny277pn) pcb 715g3214-3 leitemarcellus