Sony Repair Tips
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Results: 20072
Results: 20072
Make | Model | Symptom | Problem | Solution | By |
AP |
Raster | Kp61xbr38. unit has no raster but has pip, sound, and on screen display. this symptom shows up in the tuner and video input modes. | When checking the monitor output from the rear of the set the video is fine. next we needed to measure the video in to the p4 board. this is the digital combfilter. checking p432(6) we had good composite video. but tsound was no luminance out at p4-32(3). all b+'s were normal on the post regulators on the board. placing a 4.7 mfd capacitor between these points, luminance was restored. this test proved the combfilter was defective and the rest of the set was ok. it appears that ic201 on board may be defective. video can be traced to ic201(25). clock & bgp are present at ic201(11 & 17). tech will need to replace the board if it is available. | Muller |
AP |
Wrong color | Kpr53ex20 serial .8001436 unit has poor black and white tracking. tech needs to know how to get into the internal adjustments to adjust drive to each crt | Tsound are no drive controls to any of the crt. the only adjustment that can be made is g2 and focus. all other adjustments are automatic through he ik circuit. suggest the tech look at each tube faceplate and inspect the phosphor for the normal registration burn. if the tubes are coffee color in the registration area it may just mean we have a set with a lot of hours on the crt and they simply cannot produce enough light to achieve normal white balance tracking. according the tech the tubes were very dark in the | Muller |
AP |
System control | When the set is in the external video input mode and put back into the antenna mode the set will be on channel 167 with white noise on the screen. | This is an illegal channel entry and is not a function of catv our the μHf channel number. everything else works normally with the exception of this glitch. my suggestion is to try to initialize the eprom and see if the symptom clears up. this action did not correct the symptom. eeprom replacement solved the problem. | Muller |
AP |
System control | Kpr46ex35. unit turns itself on or off at its own will. customer explains that the tv will turn it self on in the middle of the night or it will turn itself off while watching the set. the power switch, ic001 in ""a"" board. "" | When measuring the power key input to the main microprocessor, ic001(11) it was only 3.7 volts with no keys pressed. even when connector a-8 was disconnected ic001(11) stayed at 3.7 volts. also this voltage fluctuated in level from 3.5 to 3.7. when c038 was removed the voltage increased to 5.1 volts. suggest the tech replace c038 a 0.01 mfd capacitor. with the new capacitor the voltage retained the 5.1 volts. c038 was leaky. | Muller |
AP |
Squeal | Kp46s55. unit making a mechanical squeal either in the power supply or deflection circuit. the symptom occurs when the unit is first turned on. | Suggest tech listen to wsound the noise is coming from. it was determined that l501 was the power supply of the trouble. rather than ordering the coil, i suggested the coil be saturated in a cyanoacryltic compound (super glue) to quite the loose coil laminations | Muller |
AP |
Squeal | Kp46v15 serial 9009331 unit has a high pitch squeal from the high voltage power supply tech tried to glue the transformer with speaker cement now the set does not run anymore. | It is unknown what compound is in the glues used to quiet down the transformer but i would not use it any more. super glue or cyanoacyralate is probably the best compound to stop acoustical lamination vibration. the tech will need to replace the flyback transformer. | Muller |
AP |
Shutsdown | Sony kprexr95 unit will click on but not say on. | Unit going into deflection shut down. unit has no horizontal sweep. bad solder connection under horizontal output transistor on ""n"" board "" | Muller |
AP |
Shuts down | Kp53s55 serial # 9101980. unit shut down immediately after the set is turned on. set does get high voltage. tech replaced the flyback transformer which did not correct the symptom. | I asked the tech to check the b+ at the ""g"" board connector g2(9 & 1) pin 9 should be 115 vdc and 1 should be -135. they were. next connect and oscilloscope to the collector of q811 (high voltage output) and turn on the set. tsound should be a pulse of 1000 volts peak to peak spaced at 63 microseconds apart. this signal was perfect then the set shut down. next i had the tech check the collector of q502 (horizontal output). tsound was no horizontal signal, it should look exactly like the horizontal output. since q502 runs on a negative power supply voltage the dc supply goes to q502(e) it should be -109 vdc. it was ""0"" volts. further checking it was discovered that q508 was completely turned off. checking the components in the horizontal output circuit found an open r515 an 18k resistor. replacing resistor restored "" | Muller |
AP |
Shut down | Kp46v15 unit has a shutdown symptom. | Several technicians were out and the last technician installs the d board regulators. ic904 is a 3 legged regulator used for the - 15 volts supply. the original was a plastic one. tech did not realize the regulator was shorting the -15 volt to ground because the new device has a metal back wsound the original was all plastic. the cure was to cut the trace on the cba that connected ic904 heatsink to cold ground. the enabled the set to operate with this new regulator. | Muller |
AP |
Pincushion | Kp46s55 ser 9100302. unit has a q502 and q508. shorted. pervious tech was working on the flyback section. | On the ""a"" board the area around c510 has hole burned through the board. this makes the board unrepairable. unit will need the a board "" | Muller |
AP |
Pincushion | Kp53v15 unit has q509 getting very hot after 15 to 20 minutes | Previous tech did not put ant heatsink compound on the device. putting heatsink compound on q508 allowed the device to run 20 minutes but still gets slightly warmer than it should. r518 a 18k resistor has increased in value. | Muller |
AP |
No raster | Kpr53ex35 unit has no raster but has audio and high voltage | Unit has no filaments to any of the three crt's tech needs to look at the output of t607. this is the filament supply transformer. note: the filament voltage rides 240 volt above cold ground.. filament voltage can be read between connector g4(3,4). product had loose solder connections around this transformer and r613. | Muller |
AP |
No raster | Kpr53ex35 unit has no raster but has sound and high voltage. | Unit has no filament voltages. tech needs to measure the filament power supply at g4(3 & 4) this should be about unit has loose solder connection on at d624. also the connections to the filament transformer were loose on the board. several loose solder connections on t605 (4 & 6) were also in question. i suggested the tech resolder all dubious connections in the ""g"" board "" | Muller |
AP |
No raster | Sony kpr46ex25 unit has no raster. filaments do not warm up. no pulses to the filament pulses to crt but filaments are 200 volts above ground. | Unit had open resistor r697 a 1.2Ω resistor for the filaments | Muller |
AP |
No high voltage | Kp53s55 serial 9003661. unit has no high voltage, tech replaced the high voltage block and the set still has no high voltage. | Measuring the b+ 's at the ""a"" board connector a2(1 &9) we fins -90 & +115 respectively. the -90 is a wrong. it should be -135 vdc. measuring the collectors of the drivers for the hv output q806 we find the voltage at 122. this would indicate the horizontal drive may be missing. tech needs to look at the h driver circuit for a no drive condition. "" | Muller |
AP |
Line paring | Sony ap chassis. unit has line paring at the vertical rate. appears like the scanning lines are spreading apart in the middle of the screen. these disappear after the fuses are removed from the ""d"" board. "" | This is a very good test to insure the trouble is in the convergence correction. unit had defective convergence output ic's | Muller |
AP |
Horizontal | Unit has a intermittent symptom of a horizontally doubled picture. in other words, if a 1 inch wide re vertical bar were to be displayed at the center of the screen another i inch wide red vertical bar would be seen about 4 inches from the left side of the picture. | Recommend the digital comb filter for this unit to be replaced. since the jungle ic was replaced to try and correct this symptom. the digital combfilter is the only thing that could cause the storage of several lines of video and insert it in the wrong spot if the digital counters in the combfilter malfunction. | Muller |
AP |
High voltage | Unit has no high voltage, tech replaced the high voltage block and the set still has no high voltage. | Measuring the b+ 's at the ""a"" board connector a2(1 &9) we find -90 & +115 respectively. the -90 is wrong. it should be 135 vdc. measuring the collectors of the drivers for the hv output q806, we find the voltage at 122. this would indicate the horizontal drive may be missing. tech needs to look at the h driver circuit for a no drive condition. "" | Muller |
AP |
Ghosting | Kp53xbr35 after unit has been playing a while the picture will duplicate it self on the left side of screen. customer was able to take a photograph of the symptom, | The duplicated picture is in the proper chroma phase, sync, brightness, and contrast. but is slightly elevated in height about 3 or 4 horizontal lines. the symptom may stay on the screen for a few minutes or several hours. the second phantom picture is delayed by, what calculates in the photograph, 31 microseconds which is about 1/2 h. forwarding this case to sony. this symptom is intermittent. recommend the digital comb filter for this unit to be replaced. since the jungle ic was replaced to try and correct this symptom with. the digital combfilter is the only thing that could cause the storage of several lines of video and insert it in the wrong spot if the digital counters in the combfilter malfunction. swapping the combfilter cured the | Muller |
AP |
Dead | Unit is dead. will not turn on. just shuts down | Q811 shorted. tech replaced the transistor with a 2sd188. tech checked the distribution of high voltage for pin holes in the lead dress. nothing was found. the transistor did not overheat and he let it run for 45 minutes. suggest the set run for a while and see if it shorts again. all looks well in its operation. | Muller |