Sony Repair Tips
Search: sony
Results: 20082
Results: 20082
Make | Model | Symptom | Problem | Solution | By |
Intermittent no eject (cust. not holding switch long enough) | Intermittent no eject. verified the problem that unit wouldonly eject intermittently. after changing switch block i found no change.after experimenting some more, i found that if the eject button is pushedand released too quickly, unit will not eject. | ||
Excessive volume with dbfb - c325 touching jumper on jack bd | When you switch to dbfb, there is no volume control on onechannel. that channel goes to full volume with slight turn on volumecontrol. | ||
Unit inoperative (replace ic901, p/n 8-759-182-74) | Upon application of power to unit clock was shown on displaybut then faded out to blank. unit would not respond to fm/am button ortape play but would pulse power on and off. found that ic901 regulatorwas not supplying constant voltages. | ||
No functions, jumper resistor jr801 missing from display mcb | Only the clock operated properly, all other functionsinoperable. the problem was caused by a missing jumper/jr801. jr801 isnot identified in the service manual. | ||
Weak reception in handset - r6/r7 swapped on handset pcb | H/s had weak reception. after measuring q1, q2, q3, i foundthat q3 had 6v on the collector. the transistor measured good out of thecircuit. i checked all the caps in the area and they all turned out ok.while checking the resistors, i saw that r6 and | ||
Camera video had solarized effect/replace ic708 | Camera looked like soloarzation(see tape). | ||
Partial zoom operation/replace c872 cs-37 board | When zooming to wide angle, the zoom drive would stop, and thezoom display was incorrect. ic 852 pin 3, 9, and 10 has input from zoom potentiometer. pin 10 of ic852 was .97 volts instead of 2.7 volts. | ||
Wrong p/n for fp-558/correct number is 1-643-555-11 | Item 107 on page 153 of service manual has the wrong partnumber, when ordering 1-645-271-11, the flex connector is only about oneinch long. the original flex connector is about 4 1/2 inches long. inaddition, on page 87 it's described as fp558. | ||
The unit will turn on but no function - ic504 defective | The unit is powered on but no function at all. the displaylight blinks. the voltage at pin 4 and pin 30 ic504 should be 4.5vdc.however, it varies from 1.5vdc to 4.5vdc at pin 4 and pin 30/ic504. | ||
Shutdown, replaced c1718 ("d" board) | Tv is very hard to trouble shoot due to very poor design.request follow-up for a better way to work on tv. | ||
Buzzing, vdr603 (d board) touching shield | When set is turned on, a buzzing sound occurs. home techin burbank found vdr603 touching the shield. | ||
General instruments cable box needs code in om, #65 | Home tech informed me that the operators manual for severaltv models do not list the code for general instruments. (example:kv27t529)(rmy118). he found the code to be 65, which is the same asjerrold. | ||
Service mode data won't change, replaced ic205 | In service mode, certain adjustments would not change data onscreen. found stand-by 5v to be noisy. | ||
Ic 215 part number/the number is: 8-759-175-80 | What is the part # for this ic? it is not listed in sm. -hq comments: the part number is: 8-759-175-80. ic-215 is the rom chipfor this unit and contains the firmware version 1.2a. a service bulletinwill be issued. | ||
Ic 215 part number/the number is: 8-759-175-80 | What is the part # for this ic? it is not listed in sm. -hq comments: the part number is: 8-759-175-80. ic-215 is the rom chipfor this unit and contains the firmware version 1.2a. a service bulletinwill be issued.please note that the ssc should not be | ||
Ic 215 part number/the number is: 8-759-175-80 | What is the part # for this ic? it is not listed in sm. -hq comments: the part number is: 8-759-175-80. ic-215 is the rom chipfor this unit and contains the firmware version 1.2a. a service bulletinwill be issued.please note that the ssc should not be | ||
Ic 215 part number/the number is: 8-759-175-80 | What is the part # for this ic? it is not listed in sm. -hq comments: the part number is: 8-759-175-80. ic-215 is the rom chipfor this unit and contains the firmware version 1.2a. a service bulletinwill be issued.please note that the ssc should not be | ||
Part number addition: spring shaft (p/n 3-368-788-02) | The service manual does not show a part number for the springshafts. these are the shafts which are shown to the right of ref. 3 onthe left side of the mechanism, and to the left of ref. 3 on the rightside of the mechanism. -hq comments: the part numbe | ||
No power (dead), replaced ic101 (power block) | After lighting storm unit went out. | ||
No fm tuning (just static), new tuner caused new problem | Unit would not tune fm stations (only static was heard).replacing tuner block assembly did not cure the problem, and in fact addeda new problem, specifically, the display was scrambled. replacing ic601on the main board did not help, nor did replacing th |