Search: sony
Results: 20077
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
Audio only in dolby surround mode - resolder ic1001 The audio will only pass in dolby surround mode, while theother modes are intermittently distorted.
Unit in protect mode Unit flashing p indicator and had no audio out. protectrelays are open and no 4.5v from ic101 on display mcb (pin 77, 78, 79ovdc). protect in pin no. 37 on ic101 was at 4.5vdc. i traced theproblem to a leaky protect detect transistor q709.
No tx on handset, rx o.k. Unit's handset does not transmit. receiver works o.k.
No pin configuration for ic150 in front of service manual While installing a new ic150, i found all ic pin-outs infront of the service manual except for ic150. -hq comments: we will notify tokyo on the missing information inthe service manual. thank you for the information.
Rapid speed drop and high flutter - replace motor m-901 The customer complained the unit would not play tapes, itjust clicks. the tech found the speed dropped rapidly, the flutter wasexcessive in reverse play and was borderline in forward play. cleaningthe flywheels, replacing the belt and then replacing the
Snowy picture, resoldered tuner After thirty minutes to an hour, the picture becomes verysnowy. note: the tech informed me he has had two other kv13tr24 modelswith intermittent picture. he found cold soldering on one of the pinswhich connects the tuner to the board. i told the tech
Remote does not work from a distance greater than 10ft The remote only works up to 10 feet.
Noise when changing volume - ic514, 8-759-801-01 On the center channel, as we increased the volume, the audiooutput was extremely noisy. it sounded like a dirty volume control. ireplaced the volume control but it had the same problem. i found cleanaudio into pin 2 ic514. pin 1 on ic514 had noisy au
Noise when changing volume - ic514, 8-759-801-01 On the center channel, as we increased the volume, the audiooutput was extremely noisy. it sounded like a dirty volume control. ireplaced the volume control but it had the same problem. i found cleanaudio into pin 2 ic514. pin 1 on ic514 had noisy au
Q705, q707 overheat - r723 not connected as shown s/m The unit was in protect so i performed service bulletinhfp0264. the unit then operated ok but q705 and q707 were running hot totouch and were discolored. the tech found r723 is not connected as shownin the schematic, but instead is connected as shown i
Clicking sound during cd play - replace ic-703(8-759-061-39) There was a clicking/ crackling noise when playing cd's.
Excessive width, replace l501 The unit had excessive width. the pin output/q505 and pindriver/q504 were initially replaced with no improvement. l501 had beenoverheated and developed shorted turns.
No audio/replace hic ic-401 There was no pb audio. pin 29 of hic sbx1505 had no outputbut pins 21 and 31 did have output. there was no signal at c401.
Part # correction, ref. 503 (order part number 3-376-301-01) The service manual page 70 lists part number 503 (fittingframe) as 3-323-219-01. the computer shows this as a case assembly. ineed the correct part number for part number 503 page 70. -hq comments: the correct description and part number for ref. 503
Tape speed too fast and audio is muted - change motor m-301 After pressing play the tape was moving very fast and therewas no audio. going for the muted audio first, i found pin 10 of ic303(headphone drive) was low from q309 being turned on. following it back toq602, both sections were turned off causing this mut
No audio output - ic101 faulty 8-759-053-97 The function display indicated that the function was switchingbut the audio function remained un-switched.
Weak color in playback only (edit off)/check ic-551, vc87 There was weak color in playback, this includes 8mm, hi8mm,sp, lp prerecorded, and tapes made on this unit but it does not affectrecorded material. the color would be ok when the edit switch was flippedon or during scan or pause.
No picture, t202 failure The monitor would power up then shutdown. high voltage wascoming up for a brief second. ps101 was blown (b+ for horizontal outputtransistor). i replaced the fuse and it immediately failed again. ireplaced the fuse with a 2kΩ resistor and powered u
Ant/aux switching not mentioned in o/m This model has aux antenna input for use with scrambled cablesystems. to access this input you have to press the tv key (middlesecond row of buttons) on remote rmy-118. there is no mention of this inthe owners or service manual, in fact diagrams do no
Editing timing on the team system vg515 board Working with the team software on different units i havediscovered there are limitations to the edit timing feature of thesoftware. i was unable to input the specific timing for a scitex gdm1931oem model. the software rounds off the numbers ultimately p