Search: cce
Results: 4816
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
CCE HPS-2971
White screen turns off Cause vertical displaced, resistor fr423
CCE HPS 2008
Excessive heating in the horizontal outlet. Change resistor r 411 from 4k7 to 6k8 and change horizontal drive transistor q 401 bf422.
CCE HPS - 2008
Vertical closed Replace c 405 (smd) 2kpf/50v fica no pino 42 do ic 501 (tda 8841)
CCE HPS - 2008
Closed frame on the sides and bottom Replace q 501 847 fica no pino 35 do ic 501 (tda8841)
1st- vertical closed 2nd- no video 1st - ci601 7809 had a voltage of around 4 volts. 2nd - diodes d203, d204, d205 (1n4148) and the transistor q201 bc327 shorted
CCE HPS 2003
Frame varying the width as the image varies Abl control resistor 470r 1w, on the abl control pin on the fly
No image and sound ok. the voltages were all correct, I checked the usual components (horizontal output, capacitors, resistors) and everything was ok. I carried out a general resoldering of the parts that suffered heating (easily noticeable due to the color of the board), and the device started working again.
CCE HPS 1403A 2004
Reduced frame Change cond.74mfx160v that comes out of the 115v power supply is usually exhausted, or leaking
CCE 1492
Sometimes it doesn't start Change all the conds around the str, or see the broken pin of the 7809 regulator, or the tr of the +vcc of the tda8374 or 8363
Reduced screen Almost always caused by q501 connected to pin 35 of ic503
CCE 3EM1 SS-5880
No Sound Ic901 (ta7417ap) e q902 (bc547)
No color in ntsc Supply regulator 7806
Doesn't work C806 (47 µf 100 v) e c807 (idem)
Only blinks when turned on C615
CCE HPS-2070
Horizontal line Ci1301 (la7837)
CCE HPS-2070
Inoperative, fuse open D807, ic705 e ic801
CCE HPS-1491
No image immediately after switching on Q703
CCE HPS-1485
Turns off and on randomly C499 (1 µf 250 v)
CCE HPS-1480
Without contrast adjustment D290, d704
CCE HPS-1465
W/o channel change Ci la7910