Search: cce
Results: 4816
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
CCE HPS 2003
Without plot and with audio C 825 (47x160)
CCE CS 585
Absence two 9vcc Q508 (bc327) with open junction
CCE HPS 2001
TV doesn't turn on, voltages on the PC and TDA8374 are ok. 47pf capacitor (c702) on the scl pin of the micro with intermittent leakage
CCE HPS 2092
Turns on but does not light tube filament C402 10uf 50v with cold welding
CCE HPS 2781
Inoperative, remains in stand by, 5v line at zero Shorted varicap tuner.
CCE HPS 2780
Doesn't work Trnsformador driver do horizontal
CCE HPS 1407
Frame variations and sound noise in bright images R215 of 4k7 changed in the abl line.
No horizontal synchronization Capacitor c 404
Vertical closed and buzzing Change the transient suppressor diode of the demagnetizing coil relay, the 12v that is on top of this diode, supplies the 9v that powers the ic 7680 (the +b of the ic was at 2.8v).
CCE HPS 2007
LED blinking when the TV is turned on Transformer tr401 open cutting the voltage of q401 (transistor)
During playback of a channel, audio cuts appear and in some cases R 703 - r704 Replace position resistors r703 to 5k6 and r704 to 4k7
CCE HPS-2070 S
White screen with return lines Tda 8361
Normal sound, vertical with a 2cm deficiency, at the top and bottom of the screen. excess brightness and lines of retraces, across the entire screen. C306 2.2nf/50v - causes height deficiency, flyback causes the remaining
CCE HPS-2092 B
Normal sound, tv doesn't open vertically, with just one horizontal line Change ci ic301 - tda8356, the fr403 fusistor - 0.5w 1r 5% and r308 - 100Ω
CCE HPS-2780
Dead R-410
Strip with excessive brightness in the vertical direction D411 e c410
CCE HPS 1404
Turns off after running for a few hours. Transistor driver h q401 mpsa42a
CCE HPS 2006
Dead Q801, fet 2sk2545
CCE HPS 1402 à 2004
The horizontal output transistor burns out for no apparent reason. Substituir o resistor r411 de 2k2/3w p/ 4k7/3w
CCE HPS 2990
Flashing the image Power supply transistor, 2sc4430