Search: cce
Results: 4816
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
CCE 2991
TV works normally but comes with the image with a lot of colored lines at the top of the screen, and when the image appears it has a lot of lines at the top of the screen appearing to be cap 301, A lot of lines appeared at the top of the screen I just replaced the tda8395j and went for the hug DA SILVA
Sparkling colors Rgb electrolytic capacitor +b Replace of memo paulinho
Black stripe on the left side. C 402 Replacement This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This TV has an image, but with a dark stripe on the left side C417 I saw that r414 was open, it was replaced and it is fine This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CCE HPS 2983
LED blinking and won't turn on Q 808 open ELETRONICA ESPECIALIZADA 2000
Inoperative, only stays on standby Flyback Replace EletroClaudio Aguas Belas
On and off (relay) Transistors q802 e805 Replace them for new ones Paulo Sertel Itararé SP
It starts and sometimes works normally. Another time the LED flashes but goes into protection, when you press it a lot the TV works normally Adjust the power supply through the vr 531 to - 120v and that's it Note, adjust the trimpot counterclockwise just a little. DEBIQUE
CCE HPS 1402
No image only sound Broken trail Broken track on the horizontal oscillator transformer line MARCOS ELETRONICA
CCE HPS 2097
The LED flashes 9 times, then +9 successively and does not turn on. C825=47 x 160 volts and c829=33x160volts without capacity. Both capacitors were replaced and it looks great. Armando,Eletronica EvoluSom de Olímpia.
CCE 1402
Colorful lists natela A defective 1000uf /16v capacitor damiao bezerra
Horizontal burnt, replaced then it sat inside the tube looking like a tube or fly Trafo drive tf 401 Replace traffic celito santo angelo
CCE HPS 1471
Normal sound without image, when increasing the screen it opens with a line of retraces Eeprom avaviada carlinhos100
Sometimes tsound is no image black screen C829 33x160v seco juci
It turns off and on intermittently. image with horizontal shifted to the right and varying. C402 altered (almost open). see also d411 and d403 Mau 3000
TV without picture with/retrace Trc no emission Trc reactivated and it was ok. good luck...! Jhone eletronica
Power supply oscillates, but does not produce brightness or sound when increased or the brightness on the flyback remains with traces in the image To be sure, just remove the flybakc and measure pins 1,2 and 9, all three must be shorted to be good. In this case my problem was that pin 9 was open. Flyback replace deusomar
CCE HPS - 2071
When you turn it on, the sound is low and gradually increases. Integrated circuit: tda 9570 (micro) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CCE TV2118
This TV arrived with the LED on, I checked it was horizontal, I put an original one on, it worked but with a black stripe on the left side of the tube I looked again, it was the c-417 with low capacitance The c-417 Looks the same as the original ELETRONICA CAVALCANTE EM MARTINOPOLE-CE
CCE 2118
Image becomes white and unfocused Capacitor in the abl c408 100n63v line with leakage jtm eletronica