Search: cce
Results: 4816
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
CCE HPS 2971
Image expanded according to brightness After searching through many abl tips, I mistakenly downloaded the schematic of another model that uses the same power supply (2991) and found that in the original schematic r813 has a value of 1.5 r while in the hps 2991 schematic it was 0.15 r Just replace the 1.5 r resistor (which is wrong in the original diagram) for a 0.15 r one like this in the hps 2991 diagram and go for the hug, phewwww edgar
CCE HPS 2980
Def chroma, green face Ic 501 helio
Stop Cq0765rt Just replace it and everything is fine Rafael
Viola effect D 409 with fuga I replaced it and everything was ok. digitec eletronica
CCE HPS-2097-1497
Turning off in 5 seconds LED blinking non-stop Dz401 4v7 with leak Turn off the collector q403 and q404 if the TV stops turning off the defect is the dz401 just replace it beto2828
CCE 1471
TV blinking LED does not turn on Transistor q802 Zero seradinho MARCIO
CCE HPS - 2001
Vertical closed without sound Solution: replace ci-301(tda - 9309) BARRETO CRUZ
Stand-by lights up, power supply has 98v 3 10.2v when turning on power supply drops to 87v and 9v and returns to stand-by. Ci power supply oscillator tda1533at WAGGUINHO
Strip on the left side of the screen, approximately ten centimeters wide. C825=100ufx160v,no capacity. It was replaced and resolved... Armando Eletronica EvoluSom Olímpia.
Altered power supply b+ with 170 v R816 the 130k jair capitão poço PA
With audio without image and without high voltage, checking the 15,750 kHz signal was reaching the base of the horizontal output but the voltage in the pre collector was low. C410 with leaks on the scale of x10k, replaced the capacitor c410 arrived in the image and consequently the high voltage can be of use to some friends sound in the forum, a hug to everyone. <small>This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</small>
CCE HPS 2071
LED keeps flashing and the TV doesn't turn on, tsound's a +b missing on the flay-back Change fr 401 that was open pedrinho telaquente
Fat image with color retrace the straight one is crooked resistor fr423 heats up a lot and burns Capacitor 406 is burning wilson
Vertical closes and then turns off Q 802 e 805 bc 337 Replace the 2 tr bc337 silver or ELETRONICA CB ALVES, CACHORRAO
CCE DVD-2940
Turning off Diode d-805, pci from power supply Replace the same and go for the hug paulinho
Burning the fr 423 and it doesn't open vertically No resolution No solution nadia silveira
Closed approximately 5 cm on each side of the horizontal sweep. Electrolytic capacitor c-825, 47uf x 160v. Replace it, it's ok. Cláudio Ribeiro, TECNOSAT ELETRÔNICA E INFORMÁTICA, Jataí-Go, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Characters from the volume appear automatically. Micro control keys, change them all, it's ok. Cláudio Ribeiro, TECNOSAT ELETRÔNICA E INFOMÁTICA, Jataí-Go, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CCE HPS 2908
Normal sound with very dark image Cap.421 swap (open) Debique
CCE HPS-2003
Av doesn't work C-208 ceramic smd paulinho