Search: philips
Results: 14206
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
Black band at the top of the screen with several white vertical erasing lines After changing all the electrolytics of the vertical without success, I replaced c2460 82n 63v (polyester) with one of 100n x 100 v, solving the problem Switch c 2460 which is next to the fly back Edgar Thiz
Black band at the top of the screen with several white vertical erasing lines After changing all the electrolytics of the vertical without success, I replaced c2460 82n 63v (polyester) with one of 100n x 100 v, solving the problem Switch c 2460 which is next to the fly back Edgar Thiz
PHILIPS 42PFL4606/12
Starts and goes out after a few seconds Power supply ic 905 Suybstituir ic top264vg jose almeida tavares
Burning of q7460= bu4508 dx C2455 47mf/25v, c2405 220mf/25v + solda ressequida nos comp. smd=resolde Bu2525dx ou bu2520dx = 1500/800v, 12a, 125w Alextecnico
PHILIPS 32PFL3403\78
Doesn't start Shorted smd capacitor Remove capacitor c922 from the power supply board\ thanks for the tip... JOSÉ COSTA
The sound output was shorted out and that's why the whole TV stopped. Here's a tip for my colleagues I checked everything but after a lot of patience I removed the sound output and it worked The sound output was shorted out and that's why the whole TV stopped. Here's a tip for my colleagues This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. de valadares minas gerais
The sound output was shorted out and that's why the whole TV stopped. Here's a tip for my colleagues I checked everything but after a lot of patience I removed the sound output and it worked The sound output was shorted out and that's why the whole TV stopped. Here's a tip for my colleagues This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. de valadares minas gerais
PHILIPS 21PT9467C/78
When changing the fly back, the xt mark when it heats up the image starts to shake. Put a shim on the fly back ferrite. fgalvim
It doesn't turn on, the LED flashes and the protection is activated! C2409 47x160v bad and fly back raw between pins 2 and 3 ov2094/b1 Replace the two orlando lott
Customer reported that device stopped turning on after moving from one location to another Does not turn on, only 3vstb voltage Poor contact in the power supply connector on the signal board. neweletrotech ctba
I'm sound Remove q601 q602 (mute) Bruno nicacio
When you turn on the sound it's normal, after 10 minutes the sound cuts out Capacitor 2833 Replace the capacitor JMS ELETRONICA
PHILIPS 29PT9467C178
TV turning on with portrait line and 2 horizontal stripes and turning off Image with horizontal lines and stripes
When turned on, the channel sounds, but the image has open screen-like retraces. Capacitor c2410 on vertical pin 8 open 100/25, change and go to the hug. jefferson godoy
PHILIPS14 14PT316A/78R
No image green screen Fusion no image green screen aluizio
Doesn't start. Replace c2551 and c2448 sold out. jayjunior
No audio, no sound when turned on, it made a very low noise, it didn't activate the audio, not even with your finger. C2444, it was well heated, I put 1000mf/16v Other similar models pt3131 ... 4331...3331 Alextecnico
Dark image with traces and small clicks on the tube plate, (tsound are several clicks per second, 5 times or more) and these clicks are reflected in the image, that is, when the click occurs the image becomes clearer. I found r3481 and r3482 open, I also changed r3465 and the image improved but tsound were still crackles, but it was because of the screen being out of adjustment, it was just a small adjustment and that was it, the crackles disappeared and the image was perfect. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It only stays on standby, LED indicator flashes or turns on and off in seconds Low supply voltage, 7v5 zener with leak and exhausted capacitors on the secondary Replace 6622, 2221 and 2210 Felipe Farias
Doesn't even turn on the stand by LED Changed d6540 had 5 volts on pin 1 of ic 7520 Replace d 6540 juci