Search: sharp
Results: 1785
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
Blocked channels With the control enter the password 2398 and enter the menu and deactivate it Ademar / Videira sc
SHARP C-1457
Goes out of frequency Open the coil aft and change the capacitor, place it underneath (generally it is 39 to 68 pf) and readjust the coil. Ademar / Videira sc
SHARP C-2038
It lacks width and height and turns off. Change the capacitor that is connected to the horizontal output collector (7k5 x 1.6kv) Ademar / Videira sc
SHARP C-2057
Turning on the TV does the same thing, tick tick tick tick Replace the 02 disc capacitors that are connected to the horizontal output collector. Ademar / Videira sc
Activating protection when turning on the TV Change without measuring the (q-651) directly. Ademar / Videira sc
SHARP C-2013 E C-2053
Via audio and video, there is only sound and no video Change the ci (tda-8361-4x Ademar / Videira sc
Horizontal phase bar left side screen color deficient R254 33k open Alvaro (prolar)
SHARP C1453/2053
Vertical folded on top and with lines. R504=390r and also change the cap. of 100uf that is connected to the same point.
It did not oxidize the +b of the transistor collector Hz output only came on if turned off defect c621 short C621 shorted Antonio ferreira costa
SHARP C-2017
Doesn't start. (oscillating voltages and noise) C-617 (01 nf epoxy capacitor in the horizontal winding of the deflector coil FERNANDO S
SHARP 2053
Inoperative, protection circuit activates C.i. vertical tda3653 paulo masao
SHARP C-2053
The device was stopped at normal +b, but there was no 8v start on pin 36. (ic 201) Cause: shorted horizontal output between emitter and base. Note: to force the device to turn on, simply suspend the Q703 base. adhemar caetano da silva (tecmil eletronica)
130v zener shorted, removing it from the circuit and turning off the horizontal output you see that the power supply has more than 130v, if you insist on turning on the output, that's it. transistor d1397 burns Supply capacitor c709 (2.2u/50v) exhausted alisson
Cold turned on with horizontal tipping and hot didn't turn on. R708 , (1.8megon) When it didn't turn on, it made some tics, at the power supply (switched) Alextecnico
Tries to start and is inoperative with irregular power supply up and down on the multimeter The ceramic capacitor c719 shorted out, killing the diode 709, and as a precaution I replaced the electrol/high capacitors, the fly, trz h and vertical ci. Even though it was 14 years old, it looked new. Berto
If you press stand-by more than five times, it turns on. Lag capacitor. 8n2 8n2 johnny luis
There is no voltage at the power supply output C-3723 shorted Marcelo
SHARP C-2017
Does not activate, power supply with 125v does not drop to 115v when activated Zenner dos 33v robson
SHARP C-2017
Dark image Resolder the wires connected to the kinescope socket, rgb e + b 180v and filament guaracy borges
SHARP C-2017
As soon as horizontal oscillator weapon disarms. Change vertical output guaracy borges