Search: sharp
Results: 1784
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
SHARP C - 2999G
Source noise and low sound. Replacement of the ic 7001 of the avs08cb triac power supply. FERNANDO S
SHARP C-2095
I'm dead. did not circulate (a c) It was the q 301c/ open emitter. on the side plate. ELETRONI CA FEITOSA
The on/off and volume buttons don't work, but the channel buttons do. Does not increase the volume and does not turn off with the button 04130161006
Doesn't turn on, doesn't have h-out R606 6.8k on pin 36 of the tda8360, open Replacela eletronicatual (nene)
A loud whistle on stand-by - does not work The power supply was giving 90v instead of 115-replace the ic 701(rhix1791 Replace o ic 701(rhix1791 celsontec
When you turn it on with the power key the first time it works, but if you try to turn it on again it won't turn on if you don't invert the plug. Cap. 513 (1000 x 35v)sêco. alexsts
Expanded image C506(1000u/50volt) Replace c506 jarbas santos
Pulsates but does not oscillate C666(1u/100volt) Substituir o c666(1u/100volt)prox ao th jarbas santos
SHARP C-2030-A
Horizontal band, vertical circuit defect dark screen at top and bottom. Solder the +b track with leakage between diode d503 and resistor r514. João SF.
SHARP 1453/2053
Turns on and then turns off and or does not turn on with noise from the oscillator Check q707 (replace with another direct one without testing) Master Eletronica
SHARP C 2057
Works for a few minutes and turns off, there is a drop in 5v Check r 102 vlr 2k2 smd changing when heating MASTER ELETRONICA
SHARP C 2057
This TV was not bright, you had to raise the screen to see the image, but as soon as you turned it off the problem returned. In this case it was a factory defect, as this model in stand by, the filament remains lit, and this ends up exhausting it more quickly, so put a jammer in place of the r 607, the c 607 also causes this defect, if not The solution could be the tube being exhausted. Replace the s 607 with jumper, and replace the c 607 urbieta
Does not oscillate +b does not have all voltages zero Ic 801em curto benedita
Vertical stretched at the top C506 1000/35 e c504 1/63 Diego Uczak
It doesn't turn on, the 115 volt +b only has 35 Troque or ci 701 tda 8380 Paulo Sertel - Itararé SP
The RF signal goes out (out of tune) Altered t201 detector coil, perhaps damp, oxidized Replace it for a similar one Paulo Sertel - Itararé SP
Flyback with small leak, spark comes out around it and even in the cable and burns the vertical outlet Black powder leading on the flyback and high cable Lavar o flyback joaomvjr
SHARP C-2057
Flashing image Put 100k resistor on pin 22 of ic 201 to ground, replace c 507 22mfx50v HP ELETRONICA
Running away channels 5 and 13 as if it were the aft reel, sometimes it caught, sometimes it didn't catch I replaced the eeprom memory and the problem was solved. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SHARP C-2038
Power supply works, high low voltage, when turned on it makes a sinusoid sound in the 16,12 and 13 v speaker with a difference of 4 to 3 v, there is no filament When you turn on the TV, it starts with high voltage and goes down without a filament. Check the two power supply capacitors +b 105v c725 and c727 in my case it was just the c725 saturated, so I went for the hug ffeet