Search: cce
Results: 4820
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
CCE HPS-2906
Blinking led R820
Doesn't start Verficar D814, S845, S833
Lose the sound Replace c650, c647, c652
CCE HPS-2004
Greenish screen (without red) D902=bav21
CCE HPS-2003
Greenish screen (without red) D902=bav21
CCE HPS-2981
Turns on after some function hangs C718 150pf
3 colored dashes appear in the middle of the screen. 15k r407 heats up Q409
CCE HPS-2991
Turns on and just turns off at the socket Q409
CCE HPS-2007
Doesn't start C813
CCE HPS-2171
Loses color, then loses synchronization and turns off Change tl431 and photocoupler
CCE HPS-1402
No horizontal synchronization Zd401 8v2 with leak
CCE HPS-2971
Turns on and then turns off Check and replace q802, q804, q805
CCE HPS-2171
Defect turns on after about 3 minutes it goes into protection Fly back
CCE HPS-1491
No color just b/w D506 open
CCE HPS-1470
Works normally when in stand-by it beeps from the speaker R804 opened or changed
CCE HPS 2988
Doesn't start C807
CCE HPS-2007
Half screen, from the middle down. black top with retrace lines Diode d301, replace without measuring.
CCE HPS-2004
LED flashing, does not start. “suddenly it turns on”. If you turn off the power again, it won't turn back on. C812 “47mf/25v” ruim.
It turns off in 10 minutes and if you insist it will turn off in 5 minutes. C402 of 10 mf when it heats up.
CCE HPS-1491
Vertical closed Check welds no ci401