Search: cce
Results: 4816
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
CCE MD3000
Good output, but the sound when low is a bit as if the output is bad. R211,r210 Replace eletronica visao
CCE TV2118
Image shaking when the sound increases and closing the sides C - 813 of 1000x16v, I put a stronger 1000x25v, cool! Alvanyr This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Screen with rainbow as if it were a socket but I was wrong it was the r304 open I would get a blurry screen and just run for a hug DAVI DE PEIXE -BOI PARA UM DICA PRA VÇS
CCE HPS-1492
Normal power supplys LED does not light up R-741,742 Open (swap) LUCIANO
When it turns off it makes a strange noise. Replace capacitor 655 (470uf/16v) para 2200uf/25v.) Replace the same. BARRETO CRUZ
Very weak image with drizzle and loud sound not obeying controls. 12 volt power supply generated from the flyback low and 5 volt regulator 7805 that powers the celetronic and memory was 3 volts, I replaced the 12 volt power supply diode and 5 volt regulator everything was fine. Alvanyr This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Service mode. press on the remote control, menu and type 6483 will appear on the screen m. To access the recorders, press mute on the remote control. Press channel+ or - to navigate. Press volume + or - to change values. To exit service mode, just press the power button on the remote control. Service mode eletronicaf fox
Normal LED power supplys blinking but not turning on (generates) C411 sold out 100k Changing this tip also works for other 21 models antonio nobrega(patos pb)
CCE HPS 2981
It takes time to start with noise at the power supply, at 220v it works normally Ic801 tda 4601 Replace ci DEBIQUE
CCE HPS-2991
Turned on and off, with normal image I replaced the bc337 and q805 Severino
CCE HPS 1497
When turning on tsound is a small noise inside the fly and protects, it only repeats if you remove it from the socket. Check c 417 - replace directly Master Eletronica
LED off +103v varying, +16v with 6 volts tsound was no 3v3 on the q804 emitter. Following the 3v3 line I raised the l707 which goes to pin 66 of ic101a voltage appeared, tda9570h/n3/a shorted on this line. edsomvideo
Does not turn on, LED lights up weakly, with noise (tick tick tick...) Capacitor 406 - 330p 2kv burst. valter
Burned fountain Tea1507 2 fet6n90 capacitor c-406 330pf/2kv Cause of the burnout of the c-406 330pf/2kv power supply ETERNO
Dark stripe right side C417 - 330pf / r414 - 18k Replace mentioned items eletronicaapolo
Blinking LED does not start adjusting screem works but then does not turn on again I just changed the c 829 33uf 160v nilson sakura
CCE HPS 1497
Turns on and off and on again before the image appears. but it doesn't turn on. Cold sound on transistor q802 and surroundings. Filhote
Doesn't work, b+ voltage pulsating Ic 802 tl431 When testing it, it is normal but do the following; test tip - on pin 1 and tip + on pin 2 and heat it up, then the leak appears. jannilson
CCE HPS-1402
The LED only stays on power supplys ok Defective computer Resistronic Resende
CCE HPS 2971
No audio Change without testing q802 q803 q804 and go for the hug ADEMAR