Search: sony
Results: 20073
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
Pincushion distortion, coldered solder joint d-512 No horizontal pincushion correction occurring. as received,set had overheated and open l-501, open r-571 and shorted q-505. afterreplacing these, set would work normally for about 30 seconds. q-505would short, r-571 would open sometimes l-501 would op
Pincushion distortion, replaced r571,l501,d512 cold soldered No horizontal pincushion correction occurring. as received,set had overheated and open l-501, open r-571 and shorted q-505. afterreplacing these, set would work normally for about 30 seconds. q-505would short, r-571 would open sometimes l-501 would op
Pincushion distortion, cold solder joint at damper circuit No horizontal pincushion correction occurring. as received,set had overheated and open l-501, open r-571 and shorted q-505. afterreplacing these, set would work normally for about 30 seconds. q-505would short, r-571 would open sometimes l-501 would op
Pincushion distortion, cold solder joint d-512 No horizontal pincushion correction occurring. as received,set had overheated and open l-501, open r-571 and shorted q-505. afterreplacing these, set would work normally for about 30 seconds. q-505would short, r-571 would open sometimes l-501 would op
Erratic tape functions and display, no audio No display, no am, no fm tape runs but just auto-reverses.
Correction to service manual, rf pll freerun adjustment On page 130 of the mdp-210 service manual, item 7-9-3, itlists the measurement point as ic-003 pin 70. ic-003 is an 8-pin chip.
Will not power up Unit doesn't power up. relay wouldn't close and there was noillumination on front panel. standby supply working. limited activity onkey matrix. seemed micros were not communicating properly.
White streaks - drop outs The playback picture was full of white streaks and drop-outs.the problem was caused by the static brush on the top of the drum. weused a little emery and a drop of lubricant to resolve the problem. thereis no number in the service manual for this part.
Faulty play This unit would only play disc in no. one position. it wouldrecognize all discs, but when called to play another it always goes backto position one.
Does not rewind with 120 minute tapes Would rewind 60 min. tapes but not 120 min. tapes. determinedthat slower rotation of reel tables with 120 min. tape let reel fg pulsesgo too low.
No functions, all lcd segments illluminated constantly Unit sent to dallas ssc from authorized servicer who wasunable to cure a disc loading problem. when checked by dallas technician,the unit was inoperative except for lcd segments being lit constantly. ifthe deck is disconnected from the unit all other f
Turntable continually rotates The turntable continually rotated. all front panel controlswere inoperative. we found the problem to be a poor connection at ic-302/pin 42. resoldering resolved the problem.
Threading guide cracked The left plastic molded threading guide has a crack in it.this causes erratic/no threading. since the threading guide is moldedonto the metal chassis, it is necessary to replace the chassis assembly.this is the fourth report i have received regarding th
No video in evf has raster No video drive to pin 3 of cn-904 on the vf-26 board insidethe evf. note: i noticed a large amount of viewfinders on backorder tokc. i found two problems 1. a bad connection on cn-506 pin 8 of theva-46 board 2. bad transistor q-171 evf buffer also on t
Upon power up, elevator assembly moves to top of unit When ac is removed from unit, the disc that is playing staysloaded on optics. when power is restored, the disc chassis assemblymoves up to top of unit and stops. found defective s-401.
Intermittent operation Capstan motor intermittently speeds up, causing intermittentoperation of unit. cn-506 and 507 board-to-board connectors showcorrosion in between where they hinge.
Errors in hi-fi service bulletin no. 82 There are several mistakes in this s/b. first, the originalmotor for this unit (x-3595-921-1) is still available, thus it is notnecessary to use the x-3595-923-1 motor that is listed. by the way, the-923 motor is also the one listed in the s/m correcti
Errors in hi-fi service bulletin no. 82 There are several mistakes in this s/b. first, the originalmotor for this unit (x-3595-921-1) is still available, thus it is notnecessary to use the x-3595-923-1 motor that is listed. by the way, the-923 motor is also the one listed in the s/m correcti
Channel number wrong on child picture, replaced ic-1202 Channel numbers are wrong on child picture and channel indexis not working.
M-602 wrong part supplied Reference service manual correction no. 1. the motor fromthese two unit is ff-280sa. the motor supplied under the above partnumber is ff-130sh. smaller different shaft, different spacing of pinsfor pcb mounting. also pertains to serial number 810448.