Search: cce
Results: 4816
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
Does not turn on only with LED on standby C81247x25 volt capacitor with low value. Changing the capacitor c812 47x25 volts, the capacitor was giving only 18 μF, I put a new capacitor in and it started working normally again. bill
Turning off after turning on It turned off, I just removed the plate from the tube, turned it on, it didn't turn off, it was working without sound, check914 if it had 200v, I couldn't find this voltage, it had 33v, I replaced the tda6106q. ok, resolved 1c tda 6106q ANTONIO DOS SANTOS LIMA
No sound and no image; normal voltages and lit filament; When adjusting the screen the screen becomes white with trace lines. Altered filament tension. Put a resistor (1r) in parallel with l400 (it is close to the fly-back) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CCE HPS 2971
LED goes out as if it were going to turn on and it doesn't turn on C 422 shorted near the tsh drive rpsilva
Blurry image looking like a weak tube I researched the ABL line and changed the 22nf 250v electrolas Replace l 400 or put a jumper luiztvsom
The TV turns on and then turns off by itself. Cause of the defect, q802=bc337, leak between base and collector, the touch switches were also changed, in the volume minus menu, volume plus and channel minus. Q802=bc337 and the four touch keys that were failing were replaced and the TV looked great. Armando de olímpia
A dark band horizontally. 18k open resistor r414 Substituição do resistor r 414 18k WAGGUINHO
Starting generates high voltage but immediately activates the protection. Capacitor de 330kx2kv na posiÇao (c402) After changing it, the TV worked perfectly again. DIGITEC ELETRONICA Lambarí D'oeste -MT
TV doesn't turn on, LED is off. Q804=bc337 shorted, there was no 5 volts. Replaced and resolved. Armando de Olímpia
This TV had the following defect; It would light up on stand - by, I would press power and the LED would turn off, the power supply would normalize at 135 volts. But there was no image or sound, the filament wouldn't light up, the screen was at 200v and the TV didn't activate any type of protection. In my case the defect was the capacitor c 409 completely depleted. Replace c 409 390nf/250v chinês eletrônica solânea/pb
Turning off with vertical closed Q 802 and q804, replace even if the mark is good eletronicard
Before changing the ic tea 1533at, the TV doesn't even turn on, the LED is off, now after I changed it. When I unplug it, it makes three beeps as if there was a shorted capacitor. I already did a test but I didn't find anything. Anyone who knows can give me a tip. * * francisco
TV turns on, filament lights up and there is no image or sound and the screen does not work Open resistor r930 on the screen line, I removed it and put a jammer on it because the schematic doesn't show this resistor and the TV was ok HEMERSON ELETRONICA MM
CCE HPS 2197
Burning bu 1508 Pickled tube Replace the tube karpinski
CCE HPS-21AVP-2071-2073
It doesn't come out of stand by, the LED keeps flashing and the relay hits Hsyn pulse with 4v, even though the TV is in STD by, it should be 0v Capacitor c417, 330 pf/2kv with imperceptible leakage, it is the same one that also causes the defect of moving the image a little to the side, replace jasvan souza
CCE HPS 2901
Blurred color looking like a tube Replace of r 904 ignacio gomes neto rio verde ms
Stand by LED on but not turning on C825 totally dry sem capacitance Put a new one in place and the tv worked normally ELETRÔNICA NUNES
The stand-by light comes on, + it kept blinking and didn't turn on Removed the transformer from the power supply and found oxidation on the board at the base of the transformer pins Cleaned the place where the transformer pins were soldered with a piece of 200 grit sandpaper and turned it on normally. ROBERTO PINTO
Call and add image Turn it on and add the image claudio
CCE HPS 2171 C
Burning q-801 and crashing rl 801 Fr 802 100r changed /// hitting rl801 diode d-819 partial short With the replace fr 802 100r stopped burning the p10nk80 / beating rl801 was replaced d-819 Wislen Alves