Search: cce
Results: 4820
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
Horizontal output with fever, the transistor heats up constantly when connected to the series lamps, their absence causes the component to burn Flay back Replace it, if you don't have the flay back test, the multitester will work on the x10k scale, remove the flay back from the board, connect the negative test point to the pacifier with the positive one, touch all the flay back pins, the pointer cannot oscillate if it wobbles, the flay back goes to hell Miltom
CCE 2781
TV has more b but it doesn't oscillate Trafo from power supply solda fria no pe Resolves the power supply completely tome
TV doesn't turn on, LED flashes intermittently Q806 leaking Replace for another. ROBERTO
Strip on the right side of the screen Shorted diode d407 Swap d407 CSOM
Arms and disarms relay and LED flashes C 825 47 160v eletronica karpinski
CCE HPS-2071
Doesn't start C-805 150x400v You can use a 220 x 400v one tiago ALT SAT (66)3534-1716
Power supply does not start LED does not light b+ov leaves it on for a while the LED lights up the TV turns on normally Ic 801 (tea1533at) da power supply Help yourself leave your tip ELETRONICA ARNI-LEOBERTO LEAL /SC
CCE HPS 2171
No sound C601 no pino 26 do ic101 Replace it ANTONIO NOBREGA [PATOS.PB]
Blinking led Dz401 Help yourself leave your tip ELETRONICA ARNI-LEOBERTO LEAL /SC
When turned on, the LED flashes Replace zenner 5v1 - dz 606 felex
CCE HPS-3301
Waist-shaped screen )( Reset r854 de 2r2 2w aberto eletroclaudio aguas belas
CCE TVS 2910
Hello, good afternoon, this TV arrived in my workshop from another store, according to the owner, it started turning on and off, until it stopped altogether, now it appears like the external 3.3 12v power supply, but on the 18v zener The power power supply is low at 9v and it keeps beeping, I watched and left it for about forty minutes the TV oscillates and the filament lights up if I increase the screen the retraction lines appear, the power supply normalizes with 18v on the tea 1507 and if I turn it off it comes back All over again, the power supply is low without turning on, has anyone seen something similar? R 842 edson102030
Hello, good afternoon, this TV arrived in my workshop from another store, according to the owner, it started turning on and off, until it stopped altogether, now it appears like the external 3.3 12v power supply, but on the 18v zener The power power supply is low at 9v and it keeps beeping, I watched and left it for about forty minutes the TV oscillates and the filament lights up if I increase the screen the retraction lines appear, the power supply normalizes with 18v on the tea 1507 and if I turn it off it comes back All over again, the power supply is low without turning on, has anyone seen something similar? R 42 open was replaced and the equipment started working normally again edson102030
CCE HPS 1480
Had no color Cleaning ci tda 8361 cleaning with solvent and drying hair dryer works again great joão
CCE HPS-1407
Turns on works normally and after a while the image disappears and then it comes back and disappears again as if the signal from the antenna comes out Diode dz102 and transistor q101 bc337 Replace for new eletroclaudio aguas belas
CCE 2997
Generates normal voltage, lights the tube and has no filament bruna
When the LED turns on, it flashes 11 times and the screen appears with both sides closed about 4 centimeters and turning off 47uf 160v capacitor c825 burst and cold soldering on the fly back pins Replace o capacitor e resoldar o fly back eletroclaudio aguas belas
Turning off Exchange of transistors bc337 and bc 327 Sergio Luiz
Image without definition R.423 1k julio itaguai
Screen does not turn on. voltages ok, filament ok. television apparently in operation. C901 on PCI kinescope on the run.... py3ig