Search: cce
Results: 4820
Make Model Symptom Problem Solution By
CCE HPS-2197
Turns on and off heating horizontal output Shorted flyback Replace the flyback. In my case I replaced tat2009i as the original is bsc25-0206h and is more difficult to find. MARCONES DE ARARIPINA-PE
Flashing stand by led quickly Troçar capacitor ecf8 220uf x 63v Replace capacitor ecf8 Henrique Mata
It works normally but when you turn it on the next day the TV doesn't work LED is off Cold soldering Just solder resistors and smd transistor close to the photocoupler and run to the hug, the TV turned on normally I.Ricardo
Does not turn on horizontal output bu2506dx broken Fly-back tat2008 shorted When changing the fly-back tat2008 and the bu2506dx the tv turns on the 100r r308 charred. Replace the r308 and the ic301 which is the tda8356 and the TV will be working normally. God be praised! Sinailson furtado
LED flickered slowly and wouldn't turn on C 808 but the problem persisted then Also replace the c806 *104* Igorcrv
After a few minutes the audio becomes very loud. 100µ capacitors for 16v Replace of ec11 and ec12, both 100µ 16v. Marcelo Piranga
Image blurred and dark with flickering. Open 4k7 resistor abl circuit connected to pin 3 of the flyback. change and run for the hug. altair pereira pereira.
CCE HPS-2071
LED blinks and does not turn on the TV Diodo zener 401 Edval
Low audio in audio and video Swap q 101 bc 337 next to the varicap Swap q 101 bc 337 next to the varicap Laercio umuaramapr
Low sound in av Transistor bc 337/25 next to the varicap Replace q 101 bc 337 /25 next to the varicap Laercio umuaramapr
TV, turns on, but stops functioning or gives a stuck green screen, that is, processing freezes. 1.8v smd regulator position u5 on the main board. In my case I replaced u5 (1.8v) and u3 (3.3v) MIGUELTV
When turned on, the green LED lights up, the image appears and then returns to Ci. 8pin flash memory (rp4) Another piece of scrap plate was placed in the same way, everything was ok. Alexandre Batista
CCE D3201
It has stand by, the red LED lights up if you press the power button, the green LED lights up but tsound is no image or sound. It resolders in the lamp traffic, note; if the lamps don't turn on, tsound's no sound either because the main board's operation is blocked on this TV. digitronica
Does not turn on, green and red LEDs are on at the same time. Regulator u15 was without 5v at the input Swap d8 and d11 msiqueira553
Completely closed vertical, just the white stripe in the middle of the screen. Change the bc 337 transistors, one is close to the vertical ci and the other close to the 5volt regulator. changed it solved! Airton Eletrônica
No backlight defect in inverter ic500 = mp3394s After switching on, check around 5v on pin 2 of the ci and pin 15 with =b around 16v if +b on 15 is low it could be a defect in the ci 500 BRUSKE
CCE HPS-1497
Line of retraces and lower half of the screen without image. C425 470/10v capacitance exhausted. Replace for a new one. Carlos M. Prado
CCE HPS-1403
+ b with 82v, Flybeck does not generate 12 and -12v, press power and the LED goes out as if it were going to turn on and it does not turn on. Changing the changed r817, from 2k5 it was measuring 3k5, in the schematic it is 2k8. Manoel Damião
Doesn't start Stand by led off, this TV hears an electrical discharge, burned some components u5-rtd2684d shorted, u12-mp1484en shorted, q11/q22/q23 - code x1lv =( x1 .. ) - ao3401a mosfet, the gate is not arming bad mosfet replaces all,u13 - code iacwc=( iacw..) c/d/j..=mp1472 shorted, r194/r195 - 4k7 smd with leak, r190/r191 - 22k smd changed r193 - 10k open and r192 - 0r smd open. All these components were replaced, the TV was ok, the defect was resolved Autorizada CCE
CCE L144
Doesn't start Stand by led off, this TV hears an electrical discharge, some components burned out u5-rtd2684d in short, u12-mp1484en in short, q11/q22/q23 - code x1lv =( x1 .. ) - ao3401a mosfet, the gate is not arming bad mosfet replaces all,u13 - code iacwc=( iacw..) c/d/j..=mp1472 shorted, r194/r195 - 4k7 smd with leak, r190/r191 - 22k smd changed r193 - 10k open and r192 - 0r smd open. All these components were replaced, the TV was ok, the defect was resolved Autorizada CCE